Write For Us

Are you looking to contribute a guest post to a high-authority platform and boost your online presence? Trending Eyes is accepting high-quality, SEO-friendly guest posts that align with our audience’s interests. Share your expertise and reach thousands of readers by submitting your content today!


Why High-quality Guest Posts For Us?

Guest posting on Trending Eyes offers numerous benefits for content creators, bloggers, and businesses.

When you submit a guest post to us, you can:

Boost Your SEO Rankings

High-quality backlinks from our platform can help improve your search engine rankings and domain authority.

Boost Your SEO Rankings

High-quality backlinks from our platform can help improve your search engine rankings and domain authority.

Increase Brand Visibility

Guest posting allows you to showcase your brand to a broader audience, increasing your online presence.

Build Credibility

Sharing valuable insights and well-researched content on our platform helps establish you as an industry expert.

Drive Traffic to Your Website

Quality guest posts can attract visitors to your site, driving referral traffic and expanding your audience.

Enhance Your Portfolio

Publishing on a respected site like Trending Eyes adds credibility to your writing portfolio and expertise.

Engage with a Targeted Audience

Our readers are interested in trending topics, ensuring your content reaches an engaged and relevant audience.

Gain Social Media Exposure

We promote guest posts across our social media channels, offering you additional exposure and engagement.

Network with Industry Leaders

Guest posting connects you with other industry professionals and influencers, opening doors to new opportunities.

Share Diverse Ideas

We welcome fresh perspectives and diverse topics, allowing you to share unique ideas and insights with our audience.

Stay Updated with Trends

Writing for us keeps you updated with the latest trends, allowing you to contribute timely and relevant content.

Get Long-Term Value

Your guest post remains on our site indefinitely, continuing to generate traffic and value over time.

Submit a Guest Post

Ready to contribute? Submit your guest post ideas to [email protected] with the subject line “Guest Post Submission – Trending Eyes.” We will review your submission and get back to you within 5 business days.

Our Guest Post Submission Guidelines


To ensure quality and consistency, we ask that all contributors follow these guidelines when submitting guest posts:


1. Original and Unique Content

All submissions must be 100% original and unpublished. We do not accept posts that have been published elsewhere, including personal blogs. Your article should be plagiarism-free.


2. High-Quality, Informative Content

Your guest post should provide valuable insights and be well-researched. We aim for content that educates, informs, or entertains our readers. Posts should be between 800 to 1500 words.


3. SEO Best Practices

Ensure your content is SEO-friendly, using relevant keywords naturally within the article. Please include:

  • A keyword-rich title (60 characters max).
  • Headings (H2, H3) with targeted keywords.
  • Appropriate keyword density (1-2%).
  • Meta description (150 characters max).

4. Proper Formatting and Structure

  • Use short paragraphs for easy readability.
  • Include subheadings to break up text.
  • Incorporate bullet points or numbered lists where necessary.
  • Use clear, concise language.

5. Backlinks and Promotional Links

  • You may include 1-2 do-follow backlinks to relevant and authoritative websites.
  • Avoid linking to low-quality, spammy, or unrelated websites.
  • We do not accept guest posts solely for promotional purposes.

6. Images and Media

  • You may submit royalty-free or original images (properly credited).
  • Ensure the image file sizes are optimized for web (under 500KB).

7. Author Bio and Contact Information

  • Provide a short author bio (50 words max) with a headshot and a link to your website or social media.
  • Include your email address for any follow-up questions or feedback.


We look forward to collaborating with you and sharing your insights with our readers!